The newest images taken at Marineland, Florida

Every time I go to the beach I try to capture something different. Many times I will go there planning on making long exposures of the water, and some that are minutes long. This time, instead of making the water look milky and calm, I wanted to capture the water in motion. This means that I have to target my shutter speed to be about a 1/4 second. To get that I have to increase the ISO setting and lower the aperture as needed to capture what I want.

Image 558

The image above was the only shot taken at ISO 100. The shutter speed was at 1.3 seconds, which was the slowest shutter speed that I had used.

The other two shots below were taken at ISO 800, 1/4 second at f/11. I think I like the effect better using these settings.

Image 556

On the evening that I shot these images, the sky looked threatening. I thought that there was a chance to capture some lightening but it didn’t work out that way. Every evening is different, and you have to be there to capture the moment.

Image 557

There was a shrimp boat with bright lights illuminating the water in front of them. The boat slowly moved south along the beach and through the lens. As I was standing on the rocks to take this shot, the water rushed over my feet soaking my socks and shoes. It’s always a good feeling to walk back to the vehicle with squishy wet feet.

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