A Delta IV Heavy rocket carrying NASA’s Parker Solar Probe was scheduled to lift off in the early morning hours of this morning.  I took a trip to Marineland in hopes of photographing this event.  There I met several other local photographers that I met in a photography club online.   After having several delays, the launch was finally scrubbed.  The group had left but I decided to stay on to photograph a sunrise a little further down the beach.

Astronomical Twilight at Marineland, Florida
Image # 359

More about NASA’s Parker Solar Probe

The purpose of NASA’s Parker Solar Probe is to enhance the understanding of our closest star, being the Sun.  This mission will make history by being the first spacecraft to fly into the corona, the Sun’s atmosphere.  The space craft is constructed with a shield facing the sun and can withstand temperatures up to 2,511˚F (1,377˚C).  The probe will use 4 different instruments designed to study electrical and magnetic fields, plasma, and energetic particles, as well as capturing images of the solar wind.

Sunrise at Marineland this morning….

Sunrise on Marineland’s beach – August 11, 2018
Image # 360


Both images captured on the Canon EOS 5D Mark IV, Canon 24mm lens