Long Exposure at Matanzas River, Crescent Beach, Florida

Matanzas River at Crescent Beach

I wanted to get away to the beach tonight and experiment with my camera some. My wife and I were going to go to Matanzas Inlet when I saw the low tide in the Matanzas River as I was crossing the bridge. All the islands of oyster beds caught my attention, and was thinking a shot showing all the little islands would be soooo cool! So I turned around and drove to a spot where people usually launch their boats. I walked out to the oyster beds so I could set up a good shot of them. My wife followed me as I walked out to one of the beds and I set up to take a shot. I wanted a real long long exposure to make the scene in front of me more serine. I used a 10 stop ND filter to slow the shutter speed down to about 4 minutes. This is the resulting shot….

When I finished my shot, I looked back and saw that the path I took to this spot was now ankle deep in water. Both of us got our feet soaked and wet getting back to where we were. The scene changed so quickly in front of me, you could literally see the water level rise. What is visible in this shot is very small compared to what I started out with only a few minutes before.

Blue Matanzas River
Image # 365

Taken 8/28/2018 near sunset, Crescent Beach, FL
Canon EOS 5D Mark IV, Canon EF 24mm F/1.4 lens
160 sec @ f/11, ISO 100,