Exploring St. Augustine

Last night I was a bit restless, so I decided to take a little ride to find something to shoot. I can always count on St. Augustine for having a wide variety of subjects to photograph.

This one I had shot one time before on Astia slide film, but it didn’t turn out as well as I had hoped. So this time I went back to shoot this on the digital. I used a small pen light to help illuminate the shadows, and bumped the ISO up to 800 to capture this shot. I took several shots to check my focus before capturing this one. I wish that I had someone sitting really still on one of the benches for a little human intervention, but finding willing participants are not easy.

“In The Moat”
Castillo de San Marcos
St. Augustine, Florida
Image # 369
Taken on Canon EOS 5D Mark IV, Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L II USM Lens set at 100mm

“In The Moat”
Castillo de San Marcos


“The Moat”
Image taken in 2012 on Mamiya RZ 67 Pro II, 65mm L-A lens
Image # 213

“The Moat”
Taken 2010

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©2018 Michael Mellen
Mellen Photography