I went to St. Augustine to drop off a few images to be printed.  While I was there I decided to drive down to Marineland to photograph the beach.  To be honest I really wasn’t very happy with the color rendition of these images, and I am contemplating on converting one of them to a black and white.  But for right now I will show the original versions.

This was the first image that I had taken at the beach.  I have always like the unique forms and shapes of the coquina rocks.

The sun was starting to set behind me illuminating the clouds in the sky.

This was one of the last shots taken.  I had set up to photograph this rock when a wave unexpectedly rushed in around my feet.  I did manage to capture the water rushing over the rock at the expense of having wet feet.

Thank you for looking….


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©2018 Michael Mellen
Mellen Photography