For almost 2 years now, I have been shooting my Canon 5D Mark IV almost exclusively with the exception of maybe twice. To be honest, I really do prefer the results that I get from my old film cameras over digital. Both camera types have their strengths and weaknesses but I think my preference is still film.  You will be seeing more film exposures in the future, but that is not to say that I will not be using the Canon.  I am planning on using both, but will be reserving the scenes with the best lighting and subject matter for film captures.

“Moody Sunrise at Marineland”

This image is one that I had taken back in 2010. This shot wasn’t really a favorite of mine, but there is something about it that keeps me coming back to it. Unlike most landscape pictures that you see that are color saturated, this one is a bit subdued. I thought that maybe this one would be good to have in print so I will be printing it next week.

This image will be one of several that will be on display in the upcoming art show at the Catfish Festival in Crescent City, Florida on April 5th and 6th.

“Moody Sunrise at Marineland”
Marineland, Florida
Image # 153
Taken 2010 on Mamiya RZ67 Pro II, Mamiya 65mm L-A lens, Fujichrome Provia 100F slide film.