When my son Josh was going to Florida State, we would visit as often as we could. During those visits, we would head to St. Marks Wildlife Refuge to spend some time photographing the area. This image was taken during one of those times. There was jetty down the beach at the mouth of the St. Marks River and we walked out to the very end looking back at the lighthouse at sunset. I envisioned a panorama with the lighthouse on one end and the pier ruins leading away into the sunset on the other.

Sunset Over St. Marks Wildlife Refuge
Image #148

If there was one thing that I would have done differently with this shot, it would have been to use the large format camera instead of the Mamiya. I think some images scream large format, and this would have been one of them. One day I will be going back for a reshoot using that camera!


On a different evening, I went to St. Marks Lighthouse for an evening shoot.  It was low tide and the area was full of photographers.  I noticed everyone photographing the lighthouse until the sun began to set, and it seemed everyones attention went to the setting sun itself.  It was pretty, but I wanted something a little different.  I put together my camera and waded out into the water.  I noticed that nearly all the photographers were leaving since the sun had set.  There was a lady there that said that she thought the best light was over, I told her the best light was yet to come.  She was the only one that stayed around.  After everyone else had done left, we were photographing the “blue hour”.  After she showed me what she had taken on the preview on her digital, it looked really good, and I was hopeful that I had something from that evening.

Nightfall at St. Marks Lighthouse
Image #210

I am planning on a return trip there again this year, and my goal this time is to use the Wista 45DX.  It takes more time to set up, and there is a lot more involved but the quality the camera can produce is remarkable.

Both images were taken on the Mamiya RZ67 Pro II, Mamiya 65mm L-A lens, Provia 100F