Went to the beach and somehow had picked up a couple of ticks. Never thought the beach would have ticks, but I sure found out differently on that evening! I was all hopeful for a beautiful sunset, but was a little disappointed as there were too many clouds to the setting sun in the west. I was surprised to find that I wasn’t the only photographer there. I was competing for a spot with about a dozen other photographers, apparently all part of a photography group flocking to this one area. Of course the very reason I was there was that the lowest of tide was at sunset, and I just knew I would get some interesting tide pools as the tide went out. This is a very beautiful spot for taking pictures and the low tide was definitely a plus! Too bad the color wasn’t any better than it was, but then again every sunset has its’ own unique beauty.

Low Tide at Matanzas River
“Low Tide at Matanzas River”
Matanzas Inlet, Florida
Image #402
Image captured on Canon EOS 5D Mrk Iv, Canon 24mm lens