Sometimes enough is enough! I have had it will all the protests and violence that is destroying our country. So now there is a protest to remove the many hundreds year old oak tree and the Confederate statue from the Putnam County Courthouse property.
I love history and I always have! Much of my photography reflects my love of nature and history. It seems that both are under attack by those who care nothing about either, and have desires to rob us from it. Many of these protesters are outsiders and are not locals in order to increase the numbers to force an agenda. This is wrong!!!!
You may or may not agree with me, and for that I don’t care. Instead of protesting about the things that doesn’t really concern you, how about taking the time to learn history (real history, and not some distorted opinion piece made up of lies) and start taking care of the environment, instead of trashing the place! You would be a better person for it!
I apologize for the rant!!!

Confederate statue at Putnam County Courthouse, Palatka, Florida
June 2nd, 2020

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