The water here was actually a little rough though you wouldn’t know it by looking at the picture. I set my camera up to photograph a long exposure, using a 6 Stop Neutral Density filter to get the shutter speed down to 15 seconds. It had just rained when this shot was taken.

Lake Crescent, Andalusia, Florida
Native History of Crescent Lake
Crescent Lake was once home to native people of the Timucua. They lived throughout the northeast and north central parts of Florida and southeast Georgia. They were the largest indigenous group in this area with as many as 35 chieftains leading many thousands of people. The Timucua spoke their own language, which is now extinct along with its people. At the time the Spanish arrived, their populations are estimated to be more than 200,000. Their inhabitance were from Lake George area all the way up to Cumberland Island in southeast Georgia, and as far west as the Aucilla River in the panhandle of Florida.
Timucua became a common name for all the tribes that spoke the same language in this area. The people that resided here were more of a loose confederation and each group had their own cultural traditions. By 1700 there were fewer than 1,000 tribes people due to wars with the English colonies and its native allies. Many were sold into slavery which completed their extinction as a tribe.
Image details: Image # 437 Canon EOS 5D Mrk IV, Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L II lens taken at 26mm, ISO 400, 15 seconds at f/11
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