Thanksgiving is the time of year to be “thankful”. Like many, I have plenty to be thankful for.
One of the things that I am thankful for is my little dog!
Why am I thankful for a dog you might ask? Here is a short list of why…
- After a long day of work, he is always so excited as he greets me when I walk through that door! It is nice to know that someone misses and appreciates me, even if it’s only my dog.
- I can never go to the bathroom by myself for fear of possibly falling in or being taken by a big green monster. My perfect companion follows me there every time to make sure that I am safe and that nothing bad ever happens to me.
- Have I ever told you that he does dishes? He is more than happy to clean my plate after a healthy meal. He does such a good job at cleaning plates that we place the plates back in the cupboard to use later. Does anyone want to come over for dinner?
- My dog loves to snuggle too, he is my little bed partner. He really is good in bed, that is as long as you don’t move too much, or you may end up losing a toe or possibly something larger.
- He enjoys making me happy. Despite all the times that I made him wear silly-looking outfits, he takes it all in stride and gives me a smile for the camera. He really is a very special little dog to me!
Milo says, “Where’s the turkey?”. He really loves turkey and pumpkin too! He is ready to feast and ready for Thanksgiving!
A Dog’s Prayer
“Treat me kindly, my beloved friend, for no heart in the entire world is more grateful for your kindness than mine. Don’t be angry with me for long, and don’t lock me up as punishment. After all, you have your job, your friends, and your entertainment. I only have you.”
This was a very quick photo shoot that I had done at the beginning of the month. Now that Thanksgiving pictures are taken, I need to concentrate on the next photo shoot; Christmas!! Exciting!
I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving!
The Petography web page is a series of pet photographs in 2022. Click on the link to view:
Milo is on TikTok! His videos can be seen here:
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