Nags Head

We left the campground early Tuesday morning, in plenty of time to get to the Outer Banks of North Carolina to shoot a sunrise. I wanted to photograph the Bodie Island Lighthouse early that morning, and I already had an idea of the shot I wanted to get. Of course, the best-laid plans is always subject to failure. Somewhere south of Hampton Roads, there was an accident with a burning car in the middle of the road. They had the road closed so I had to try to find a detour around the accident.  I lost probably over an hour which meant I wouldn’t make it in time to capture a sunrise.  So I spent the day driving along the beach until the evening.

Bodie Island Lighthouse
Image 635

I set up to shoot the lighthouse at sunset.. There were beautiful clouds and it looked promising. What I didn’t know was that they had a sunset tour of the lighthouse. The park was busy with lots of people on top and in front of the lighthouse. Too many people there to get a good shot. This shot was taken just before sunset, I timed it so that there weren’t as many people around.

Bodie Island Lighthouse
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Early Wednesday morning we arrived here at about 5am. There weren’t many clouds but I did get this shot of the lighthouse. The image above is probably my favorite capture of the trip.

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Late in the afternoon I was looking for a possible place to shoot a sunset.  I walked out onto a small pier looking over the water when something caught my eye.  It was a large sea turtle.  He swam right up to me as if he was posing for his picture!  I love seeing wildlife, and I thought this was pretty cool.

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