I went back to the Everglades for a couple days.  This trip wasn’t very successful for several reasons.  Usually before making a trip, I try to get some rest before I go.  This time I wasn’t able to do that and after driving all night, I wasn’t able to get there to capture a sunrise.  I did walk some trails, and looked for other areas to photograph and found some places that looked interesting.  At sunset, I set up to photograph an area near Royal Palm.  I wanted to capture a colorful scene over the swamp along the Old Ingraham Highway, which is nothing more than a narrow dirt road.

I stayed the night within the park so I could get up early in the morning and photograph a sunrise over Long Pine Key Lake.  It was disappointed not to have any clouds, but this marks a place for me to come back to.  Better luck next time.

Dawn at Long Pine Key Image 666

I plan on returning to the Everglades in a few weeks.  Hopefully I’ll have better weather and will be able to dedicate a little more time here.


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