Category: Beaches

Rough Surf at Marineland

I went to St. Augustine to drop off a few images to be printed.  While I was there I decided to drive down to Marineland to photograph the beach.  To be honest I really wasn’t very happy with the color rendition of these images, and I am contemplating on converting one of them to a…

A Magenta Sunset in Marineland Florida

I took a little drive to the beach in hopes of capturing a couple of shots. I saw this large rock with several holes in it, and watched how the water was crashing over and around it. I wanted to use the movement of the water to isolate the rock from the rest of the…

A day at “Boneyard Beach”

I wanted to find something new and different along the Florida’s coastline.  I have heard many things about how scenic Boneyard Beach was and it being a favorite with photographers.  So I decided to take a ride up there to see for myself.  I woke up early and left home by 4am in hopes of…

Matanzas Inlet Night Photography

My first attempt at night photography was taken at Matanzas Inlet, Florida in 2006.  It was on a full moon, and I decided to experiment with tungsten slide film.  After doing some reading, estimating exposure and taking careful notes, I come out with these shots of the concrete pilings at the mouth of the Matanzas…

Return to Summer Haven

For the past few weeks I had been busy with other projects and hadn’t had time to go out to take any pictures.  One evening this week I had decided to head to the beach and back to an old favorite location; Summer Haven. Abandonment has always caught my eye, and this old falling down…

Matanzas River at Crescent Beach

Long Exposure at Matanzas River, Crescent Beach, Florida I wanted to get away to the beach tonight and experiment with my camera some. My wife and I were going to go to Matanzas Inlet when I saw the low tide in the Matanzas River as I was crossing the bridge. All the islands of oyster…

Mellen Photography