On the south end of Crescent City, Florida there are two places next to one another that I think make interesting subjects for photography.  Fletcher Park has a beautiful pier that is well known to the locals for fishing.  The pier has been recently renovated, with all the boards on the walkway replaced.  I went out to the pier on this cloudy and rainy day to take this shot.

Fletcher Park Fishing Pier – # 375

Next to Fletcher Park was the old Tangerine Cove Motel and Restaurant.  The restaurant had several names before it officially closed.  It was once called Bonnie and Clyde’s, then it was an Italian restaurant.  It now sits abandoned.  The motel burned down in 2006 and all that is left of it is the foundation.  I had taken this picture at dusk, and illuminated the sign using the light on my cell phone.

Tangerine Cove Motel and Restaurant sign – # 376

I will be looking for opportunities to capture both of these subjects under different lighting conditions, so you may see these subjects again later.


More taken at Fletcher Park!!  Sunrise on 11/19/2018



Thank you for looking!!!  Comments are always welcome.

All images taken with Canon EOS 5D Mark IV, Canon 24mm f/1.4L II USM lens

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©2018 Michael Mellen
Mellen Photography